Event Format
- Standard tournament
- Webcam tournament
- $6 entry
- Start time is 8:00 EST/5:00 PST
- Monthly Promo
- Victory Monthly Promo for those that go 3-0!
- Prizes Ship bimonthly, included with entry (unless shipping out of the US)
- For every player that plays in all 4 events in a month, they will receive $10 in Rochester CCG store credit (you must fill out the prize form all 4 weeks)
Event Rules
- 60 minute, best of 3 rounds with a 10 minute end of round procedure, if your game goes beyond the 60 minute time limit, you will have until the end of the EoR procedure or until the 2nd player's turn ends, whichever occurs first.
- Players 5 minutes late to rounds will receive a game loss. At 10 minutes they will receive a match loss and will be dropped from the event.
- Player Info must be provided 1 and a half hours before the event Via the Form Below :
Discord for Tournament and stuff found here
- Head Judge and TO: Tamren Cardwell
- Live streamed at :
Additional Info
All players are expected to know the contents of their Decks and reasonably know how they interact with each other and with other cards. As a result, all players are expected to play at a reasonable pace.
It is the player’s responsibility to ensure they are playing with a stable enough internet connection. To ensure every match is played as fair as possible, any disconnects that occur during the course of an ongoing game, will be subject to a Game Loss for that current game.
All players need to play with their hands visible to their rival. The first infraction will be a warning. Every infraction after the first will be a game loss. All Warnings and Game losses will be tracked to avoid abuse across the season.
Hand Cam Rules
Your hand and all cards must stay on the screen at all times. The first time your hand leaves the screen you will receive a warning. After that all violations will be game losses. After a Hand Cam Rule is violated both players will be marked down for future knowledge.
Start of Game Procedures
Player 1: This is the player to go first in the current game.
Player 2: This is the player to go second in the current game.
Neither player may attack on their first turn.
In a top cut, Higher Seed may choose who is the first player.
Mulligan Update:
Player 1 must mulligan their whole hand, shuffling only after they have accepted their final starting hand.
Player 2 may choose any number of cards to mulligan, but may only mulligan once. On their first turn only, Player 2 may draw 1 extra card during the draw step. This will exceed the starting hand size as written on their character’s card by 1 Drawing the 1 extra card during their first turn is Optional.
End of Round Procedures
Player 2 always gets the last turn.
If time is called on Player 1’s turn, they get to finish their current turn and then Player 2 gets one more turn.
If time is called on Player 2’s turn, they get to finish their current turn.
If the current game in progress does not end with either player winning, then the game ends in a draw.
The player with the most game wins within that match will win the match. If both players have the same number of game wins within that match then the match will end in a Draw.UVS Tournament Rules
Paul B